To promptly demonstrate the latest agricultural technologies to the farmers as well as extension workers of the State Department of Agriculture/ Horticulture/Fisheries/Animal science/ Non-Government Organizations with a view to reducing the time lag between the technology generation and its adoption.
To test and verify the technologies in the socio-economic conditions of the farmers with a view to study the production constraints and to modify the technologies to make them appropriate.
To impart training to the practicing farmers/farm women, rural youths and field level extension functionaries by following the method of “Teaching by doing” and “Learning by Doing”.
To back up with training and communication support to the district level development departments in their extension programmes.
To Develop and organize non-formal educational programmes by way of field days, farm visits, farmers fair, radio talk, Farm Science clubs etc. as the follow-up information support to training courses.
To Develop and maintaining the campus farms and demonstration units on scientific lines as the facilities for providing work experience to the trainees as also disseminating the latest technical know how.
To develop and maintain the campus farms and demonstration units on scientific lines as facilities for providing work experience to the trainees, dissemination of the latest technical know-how and also as a means to achieve financial sustainability in due course of time.
To impart training to the farmers, farm women, rural youth and field level extension functionaries by following the principles of “teaching by doing” and “learning by doing”.
To provide training and communication support to the line department of the state / NGOs