

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi sanctioned Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Raigad to Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (Dr. BSKKV), Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) in the year of 1983. Being a host organization, Dr.BSKKV, Dapoli is providing administrative and technological support to KVK for last three decades. The KVK Raigad is fully functional to conduct capacity development programmes for Agri-Entrepreneurship Development & demonstrate flagship technologies on the farmers’ field in Agricultural and allied sectors.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Raigad – Mandates :

  1. To conduct “On-Farm Testing” for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems.
  2. To organize “Front Line Demonstrations” on various crops to generate production data and feedback information.
  3. To organize training to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis.
  4. To organize short and long term vocational training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers and rural youth with an emphasis on “learning by doing” for higher production on farms and generating self-employment.

The application of technology in the farmers’ field is achieved through conducting of On-Farm Trial which includes technology assessment and refinement. The proven and recommended technologies are then introduced in the system through conducting of frontline demonstrations followed by training programmes to empower the farmers, field extension personnel and rural youths for its adoption. The extension activities such as farmers rally, study tour, diagnostic visits, field day, exhibitions etc. are regularly conducted to disseminate the technologies across the system.

This KVK implement various schemes of the ICAR, Govt. Maharashtra, and other related organizations which intend to strengthen the training and technology dissemination programmes as well as follow-up extension activities of the Kendra.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Raigad – Vision :

Our vision of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raigad is to develop the Agricultural institution will act as, Agricultural Knowledge Bank with the help of a multidisciplinary team of the scientist for the assessment, refinement, and application of the technology to the Agrarian community of the Raigad District. Again it is required to provide better services and inputs to the Farmers to improve productivity and income. Our focus is to provide technological back storming to the unemployed youth for the establishment of their entrepreneurship development.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Raigad – Mission :

  • To promptly demonstrate the latest agricultural technologies to the farmers as well as extension workers of the State Department of Agriculture/ Horticulture/Fisheries/Animal science/ Non-Government Organizations with a view to reducing the time lag between the technology generation and its adoption.
  • To test and verify the technologies in the socio-economic conditions of the farmers with a view to study the production constraints and to modify the technologies to make them appropriate.
  • To impart training to the practicing farmers/farm women, rural youths and field level extension functionaries by following the method of “Teaching by doing” and “Learning by Doing”.
  • To back up with training and communication support to the district level development departments in their extension programmes.
  • To Develop and organize non-formal educational programmes by way of field days, farm visits, farmers fair, radio talk, Farm Science clubs etc. as the follow-up information support to training courses.
  • To Develop and maintaining the campus farms and demonstration units on scientific lines as the facilities for providing work experience to the trainees as also disseminating the latest technical know how.
  • To develop and maintain the campus farms and demonstration units on scientific lines as facilities for providing work experience to the trainees, dissemination of the latest technical know-how and also as a means to achieve financial sustainability in due course of time.
  • To impart training to the farmers, farm women, rural youth and field level extension functionaries by following the principles of “teaching by doing” and “learning by doing”.
  • To provide training and communication support to the line department of the state / NGOs.

About Raigad District

1. General census :

Konkan region of Maharashtra comprises of five districts viz. Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Raigad, Thane and Greater Mumbai. The Greater Mumbai region is considered as a developed metropolitan city of the world and the Krishi Vigyan Kendra is located about 7 km away from Konkan railway (Mumbai- Mangalore) route and 5 km away from National Highway No.17 (Mumbai -Goa). Based on the soil type and climate, the Konkan region is divided into two zones namely, South Konkan Coastal Zone and North Konkan Coastal Zone and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Roha comes under North Konkan Coastal Zone. The weather of this region is hot and humid with temperature ranging from 15.60 0C to 43.0 0C. The annual rainfall varies from 2000 to 3000 mm.

2. Agricultural and allied census:

The geographical area of Raigad district is about 6,87,000 ha of which gross cropped area is 2,18,210 ha (31.57 %) and the net sown area is 1,90,010 ha (27.51 %) with a total irrigated area of 14,000 ha (7.41 %). Double-cropped area is 23,000 ha. with the cropping intensity of 114.81 percent.

The cropping system of the district is mainly rice based with horticulture on a smaller area. Paddy is the major food grain crop grown in this district. The finger millet (Nagli), prosomillet (Vari) are the other food grain crops and Niger an oilseed crop. grown in kharif season. During rabi season pulses like horse gram (Dolichosbiflorus), wal (Dolichos lablab), cowpea and oilseed crops like groundnut, are cultivated. In recent past, area under vegetable has been increasing. The recent record shows that about 10,000 ha area is under vegetable cultivation. Among the fruit crops grown in district, mango Cashew Arecanut and Coconut are the majar fruits crops.In Raigad district, fishery in the second most important activity after agriculture and plays major role in the economy of the district. The activity is divided into 3 sectors viz. Marine, Inland and brackish water fishery. The district has continental shelf area of  21,000 sq. km. in 240 km coastline.

The raising of local cow and buffaloes for milk and milk products is permanent. The non-descript buffaloes in addition to Jafrabadi, Surti and Pandharpuri are raised by the farmers. Being a supplementary occupation, the animal husbandry has a special significance to the large numbers of small and marginal farm family. Paddy fodder fodder is available is available for milch cows and buffaloes.

3. Agro-climatic zones :

Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro-ecological situations (based on soil and topography) :

Sr. No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics


Very high rainfall With lateritic soils (VRL) The zone comprises Mahad & Poladpur talukas, which are hot & humid with maximum 31oC & minimum 22oC temperature with the average rainfall of 2540-4000mm. Humid crowded forests check actions production of soil development. The altercation process occurs due to rainfall and climate. All soils developed from laterite. The soils are the medium type where paddy, nagli, vari & wal crops are taken. Total area covers 180 sq km.
2 Very high rainfall With Non-lateritic soils (VRN) This zone comprises all blocks of Raigad district except Mahad and Poladpur where rainfall ranges from 2000-3000mm with moderately hot & humid climate. Soil strata are hilly to Deccan plateau below 300m height & developed from Deccan trap.

4. Agro-ecosystems

Sr. No. Agro ecological situation Characteristics
1. AES -1 (Lateritic  zone) Very high rainfall with lateritic soil (Mahad, Poladpur)
2. AE S -2 (Coastal Zone) Very high rainfall coastal area non lateritic soil ( Alibag, Murud, Shriwardhan)
3. A E S -3 (Irrigated plateau zone) Very high rainfall hilly areas foothills of Sahyadri ranges (Karjat, Khalapur, Pali, Mangaon, Roha )

5. Major and micro-farming systems

Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK) :

Sr. No. Farming System / Enterrprize
1. Agriculture   – In major part agriculture is the primary source of income.  
2. Horticulture   – Primary, Secondary, Tertiary & Quaternary (some parts)
3. Animal husbandry   – Secondary, Tertiary & Quaternary (some parts)
4. Capture Fisheries   – Secondary in Pen, Panvel & Alibag blocks.
5. Agriculture labor -Tertiary & Quaternary in majority part of the district.

6. Major production systems like rice-based (rice-rice, rice-green gram,etc.)

The cropping system of North Konkan Coastal Zone is mainly rice based with horticulture on a smaller area. The finger millet (Nagli), prosomillet (Vari) are the other food grain crops grown in kharif season. During rabi season pulses like horse gram (Dolichos biflorus), wal (Dolichos lablab), cowpea and oilseed crops like groundnut, sesamum are also cultivated. In recent past, the area under vegetable has been increasing. The recent record shows that about 12,813 ha area is under vegetable cultivation. Among the fruit crops grown in the district, mango is cultivated on an area of 43,431 ha with 9692 million tons production. As regards cashew, the area under cultivation is 19278 ha with a total production of 20,256 million tons. The total area under sapota is 894 ha with 1,454 million tons of production. In case of coconut, 3,915 ha area is under cultivation with the total production of 18,916 million tons.

Cropping Pattern

The details regarding cropping pattern of Raigad district is as follows –

Sr.No. Crops Grown Area (ha) Productivity (q/ha)
1.  Paddy  1,64,185  29.32
2. Nagli 15,163 9.90
3. Vari 5,987 2.12
Total 1,85,261 ha
1. Tur 1813 5.88
2. Mung 559 7.92
3. Udid 792 8.69
Total 3164 ha
1. Groundnut 712 14.65
2. Sesamum 217 5.21
3. Niger 279 5.08
4. Sunflower 68
Total 1276ha

7. Major agriculture and allied enterprises

Sr. No. Farming Situation Enterprises
 Main Sub Situation
1. Midlands and flatlands Pure rainfed and residual soil moisture Crop- Dairy, Crop-Agro/Fish processing
 Seasonal irrigation(Wells/Tanks)  Crop-Hort-Forestry-Poultry
Perennial irrigation (canals) Crop-Hort-Dairy
 2.  Hill  Pure Rain fed  Crop-Forestry-Hort
Irrigated Hort-Dairy
3. Coastal alluvial soil Irrigated Crop-Hort
4. Coastal saline soils near (Kharland) seashore Reclaimed Crop-Fishery
Non reclaimed Fishery-Salt making
5. Homestead-based farming system Inter cropping of banana, tuber and vegetables crops in coconut/Arecanut-dairy-Poultry