
  1. Academic Institutions & Programs at a Glance

In the year 2013-2014 this Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Roha- Raigad has started following YCMOU Diploma and Degree courses in the following disciplines with a total intake capacity of 360 students per academic year.

Sr.No. Programme Name

in English

Programme Name in Marathi Intake


Year of Establishment
1 Foundation in Agriculture (T12) कृषि अधिष्ठान अभ्यासक्रम 60 2015-16


2 Diploma in Fruit Production (T15) फळ बागा उत्पादन पदविका 60 2013-14
3 Diploma in Vegetable Production (T16) भाजीपाला उत्पादन पदविका 60 2013-14
4 Diploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening (T17) फुलशेती आणि प्रांगण उद्यान पदविका 60 2013-14
5 Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (T18) उद्यानविद्या पदवी 60 2013-14
6 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (T19) कृषि विज्ञान पदवी 60 2013-14


Total   360


The authority of School of Agricultural Sciences, YCMOU-NashikGrading Committee inspected the Agriculture Education Center, Roha- Raigad during Academic Year 2016-17& accredited this center with ‘A’ grade.

  1. The Following table shows the information regarding various educational programs and their duration.

Educational Programs


Duration (Year) Medium
1 Foundation in Agriculture (T12) 1


2 Diploma in Fruit Production (T15) 2


3 Diploma in Vegetable Production (T16) 2


4 Diploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening  (T17) 2


5 Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (T18) 5


6 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (T19) 5




Academic Programs under the School of Agricultural Sciences available at this Study Center Roha  (3218A)

  1. Foundation in Agricultural Sciences (T12)
  2. Diploma in Fruit Production (T15)
  3. Diploma in Vegetable Production (T16)
  4. Diploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening (T17)
  5. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture – B.Sc. (Agri.) (T18)

6.Bachelor of Science in Horticulture – B.Sc. (Horti.) (T19)

Educational Programs in the School of Agricultural Sciences :

Sr .No. Course code Title of the Course Duration (Year) Credit Points


1. Foundation in Agricultural Sciences (T12) 01 32
AGR-201 Principles and Practices of Soil Sciences
AGR-202 Principles and Practices of Plant Sciences
AGR-203 Principles and Practices of Plant Protection
AGR-204 Principles and Practices of Crop Production
2. Diploma in Fruit Production (T15) 02 64
AGR-205 Principles and Practices of Fruit Production
AGR-206 Commercial Fruit Production Part-I
AGR-207 Commercial Fruit Production Part-II
AGR-208 Post Harvest Technology of Fruits
3. Diploma in Vegetable Production (T16) 02 64
AGR-209 Principles and Practices of Vegetable Production
AGR-210 Commercial Vegetable Production Part-I
AGR-211 Commercial Vegetable Production Part-II
AGR-212 Post Harvest Technology of Vegetables
4. Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening (T17) 02 64
AGR-213 Principles and Practices of Floriculture
AGR-214 Commercial Flower Production Part-I
AGR-215 Commercial Flower Production Part-II
AGR-216 Post Harvest Technology of Flowers & Landscaping
5. Bachelor of Sciences in Agriculture (B.Sc. Agri.) (T18) 05 160
AGR-301 AGR 201-204, AGR 217-220,

AGR 221-224 & AGR 225-228

+ CET + EVS-201 (Environmental Studies) + Project Report

6. Bachelor of Sciences in Horticulture (B.Sc. Horti.) (T19) 05 160
AGR-302 AGR 201-204, AGR 205-208,

AGR 209-212 & AGR 213-216

+ CET + EVS-201 (Environmental Studies) + Project Report


1.3  Student intake (Year) & turnout

At present initial admission capacity is 60 students per course per year and overall total intake capacity is 360 students per year.


Sr. No.  

Educational Programs


Intake capacity Academic year Total
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1. Foundation in Agriculture (T12) 60 24 33 29 86
2. Diploma in Fruit Production (T15) 60 60 60 60 49 52 45 326
3. Diploma in Vegetable Production (T16) 60 60 60 60 21 42 50 293
4. Diploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening  (T17) 60 60 60 60 49 43 53 325
5. Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (T18) 60 4 3 11 20 25 39 102
6. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (T19) 60 1 1 6 6 5 19
  Total 360 185 184 191 169 201 221 1151

The following staff members working as administrative and supporting staff of YCMOU study center as additional charge.


Sr. No. Name of Staff / Officers Post held Ycmou Study Center post (Additional charge)
1 Dr. M.S. Talathi Programme Co-ordinator dsanzizeq[k(Center Head)
2 Dr. R.G. Manjarekar Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) dsanzla;kstd(Center Co-ordinator)
3 Shri. S.D. Padye Office Superitendent ys[kkiky(Center Accountant)
4 Shri. S.S. Karle Programme Assistant dsanzlgk¸;d(Center Assistant)
5 Shri. S. S. Mhadlekar/Shri. B.B.Patil Peon f’kikbZ(Center Peon)

The following staff members working as teaching staff of YCMOU study center as additional charge.

1. Shri. S. S. Karle


Shri. Vishal PatilShri.


Shri. J.S. Arekar

Dr. C. S. Kadam


M.Sc. (Agri.)inAgril. Chemistry and Soil Science

M.Sc. (Agri.)in Animal Husbandry and Dairy ScienceM.Sc. (Agri.)in Plant Pathology

Ph.D. (Agri.) in Agronomy


Foundation in Agriculture(T12)

(AGR-201 to AGR- 204)

2. Dr. R.G. Manjarekar Ph.D. (Agri.) in Horticulture Diploma in Fruit Production (T15)

(AGR-205 to AGR- 208)

3. Shri. P. T. Yalmar B.Sc. (Horti.) Diploma in Vegetable Production (T16)

(AGR-209 to AGR- 212)

4. Shri. S. S. Karle M.Sc. (Agri.)inAgril. Chemistry and Soil Science Diploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening  (T17)

(AGR-213 to AGR- 216)

5. Dr. R.G. Manjarekar Ph.D. (Agri.) in Horticulture Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (T18) @ Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (T19)
6. Dr. R. G. Manjarekar Ph.D. (Agri.) in Horticulture Environmetal Studies (EVS-201)


  • Present status of Institution
  1. The faculty member of various departments viz. Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant protection, Fisheries, Agril. Extension, Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science,Agril.Engg.andSoil scienceare present for guidance to the farmers as well as students along with soil science laboratory.
  2. KVK farm is well developed with irrigation facility available. In nursery

fruit plants/ grafts, coconut seedlings, medicinal plant, vegetable plants and ornamental flowers are available.


This institution has made great achievements in the various fields of agriculture and still there is a great scope for further progress.

The passed out YCMOU students, they have placed in Govt., Semi-Govt. and private organization at higher posts and benefited to run their families

Well equippedteaching hall, laboratories, library and training hall are available besides practical farm and land to get acquainted with the newAgril. Technology.